A list of communities i’ve visited over the past year

  1. ​Twin Oaks​, Virginia: An income-sharing community where residents contribute labor in exchange for communal living and expenses covered by the community.

  2. ​Braziers Park​, England: A community residing in an 18th-century castle, focused on cooperative living and education.

  3. ​Acorn Community​, Virginia: An income-sharing community founded in 1993, emphasizing equality and sustainability.

  4. ​Tamera​, Portugal: A "healing biotope" and intentional community focused on sustainability and love.

  5. ​Solarpunk Farms​, California: A queer regenerative land project committed to sustainability and climate action.

  6. Banner Mountain, California: My home for the past 2 years in Nevada City, focusing on community building and shared resources.

  7. ​The Jungle Gayborhood​, Costa Rica: A queer retreat center offering sacred sexuality and medicine retreats.

  8. ​Salmon Creek Farm​, California: A queer artist residency on an old hippie commune, focusing on creativity and community.

  9. ​Terra Rosa​, Spain: A queer village focused on inclusivity and communal living.

  10. Queercus, France: A queer co-living farm house.

  11. ​Shimmerback Ranch​, California: A queer witchy land project.

  12. The Incline, California: A queer land project created by the founders of the burning man camp ​BAAAHS


Inside Twin Oaks: What It’s Really Like Living in This Income-Sharing Commune in Virginia